
Honors and Awards

  • Prize of  the Moscow Mathematical Society, 1973
  • Ernest Eliel Professor, 1991
  • NSF grant 1992-1995; NSF grant 1995-1998; NSF grant 1998-2003; NSF grant  2003-2006;  NSF grant 2006-2011; NSF grant 2011-2014; NSF grant 2014-2017; NSF grant 2017-2020; NSF grant 2020-2023
  • U.S. CRDF grant, 2002-2004
  • Book Fellow of the Clay Mathematics Institute for 2002
  • Chaires d’Excellence Pierre de Fermat 2008 (an award to attract top scientists in any discipline to spend time in France)
  • Simons Fellow in Mathematics 2015
  • The Current Events Bulletin Session at the Joint Mathematics Meetings of AMS, begun in 2003, is an event where the speakers do not report on their own work, but survey some of the most interesting current developments in mathematics, pure and applied. In 2009 Frank Sottile gave a talk Frontiers of Reality in Schubert Calculus at AMS Current Events Bulletin Session on the joint work by Mukhin, Tarasov, and Varchenko.
  • Conference on 70th birthday, Zurich, Switzerland, 2019.